Members who look to join back into DI from previous involvement need to return to the Discord server and click Initiate Application. Explain why you went inactive and how you will be active again.
The cooldown for CRR is 2 weeks unless it is the first time re-enrolling. Additionally there is a cooldown for any active behavioral points on the profile. Once the points expire a CRR can be filled out.
Becoming a member with a CRR means you need to gain 10 discord hours and attend at least 4 events within your cohort month. If you fail your first cohort month but earned at least 2 event hours, you will be bumped for another chance to try and gain 10h+ discord hours and 4+ event hours again. (All applicants level 100+ (Veteran+) will bypass initiation and be promoted immediately to their previous member rank upon their application being accepted.)
Upon returning to DI you return back into the division you originally were a part of, if you have been inactive for less than 3 months. If more than 3 months pass you get placed together with your recruiter or follow the normal placement rules (if you and your recruiter's main game do not match) that LM works with, to give you the best experience possible when joining DI.