The Imperium training is a requirement for holding any officer position in DI. Dev Officers are completely exempt from taking IMP!
Throughout your Imperium Cohort Month you will need to attend four core modules. Events for all classes will be hosted throughout the month in both EU and NA time zones. Please message our Training Managers for any request related to event hosting/scheduling.
If there aren't enough classes in your time zone, please talk to a Training Manager about hosting a class you can attend. Please note that more classes will be added to the calendar throughout the month!
These core modules must be attended by every single officer in DI. At the end of the cohort all officers will need to pass a test (exam) from these classes.
The Leadership & Moderation module covers aspects of communication, motivation, delegation and conflict management which are qualities that are expected from all Officers within Damage Inc alongside taking a deep dive into DI's strike system. Learn about strikes, how to issue them, when it is and isn't appropriate to issue them, how to determine which strike is appropriate to issue, as well as going through the process of writing and issuing a strike.
The Growth & Integration module covers aspects of different recruiting strategies, rules around recruiting, general advice on how to succeed in recruiting, and proper methods to ensure retaining members in Damage Inc.
The Event Management module covers aspects of using the EMT, defining a valid event and general advice on how to create and host fun, toxicity free and engaging events.
The Competitive Management module covers different aspects of creating competitive teams, maintaining them, how to keep them active and effectively working together.
Imperium Cohorts consist of people working towards passing the Imperium Staff training and becoming an Officer in Damage Inc. Anyone can enroll, even if they are currently not interested in any Staff position. The Officer certificate earned by passing your IMP Cohort is not going to expire. Although, taking up a position after a long break without a staff position, long break due to inactivity or the person has taken their staff training a long time ago and return, they might be enrolled again. This is to ensure that all staff member within Damage Inc. are up-to-date with the newest information even if they have previously passed.
Enrolling into an Imperium Cohort is free for the first enrollment. If you wish to enroll into the next Imperium Cohort please contact a Training Manager.
You will be required to pass an exam at the end of your Imperium Cohort month. It will consist of 20 questions to test your behavioral and situational judgement in different situations regarding the above mentioned Core Modules. In order to pass the exam a score of 60%+ is required!
Please note that IMP requirements do not overwrite basic officer requirements. For example, a Team Leader still needs to gain a total of 20 Activity Points not 10. If the Team Leader only gains a total of 16 Activity Points, they will pass IMP, but fail their monthly requirements.